By UConn Health, Center on Aging
Thanks to a supportive family and Money Follows the Person, Roslyn regained her independence and well-being after an acquired brain injury.
Four years ago, Roslyn was living with her husband in the state of Pennsylvania, surrounded by an extensive network of friends, many of whom she met through her involvement in the local church. Unfortunately, when Roslyn lost her husband, her family and friends began noticing changes in her speech, walking, and behaviors. Eventually, it was determined that Roslyn had been having mini strokes and multiple aneurisms in her brain. These symptoms, combined with her many medications, made it hard for her to manage on her own.
Roslyn’s family, located in New York and Connecticut, knew she needed to be with them for her safety and well-being. When she moved to Connecticut to live with her brother Kevin and his wife, it soon became clear that Roslyn was in need of 24-hour care, which they were unequipped to provide at the time. In a pinch, it seemed they had no choice other than for Roslyn to move into a skilled nursing facility while they reassessed her situation.
Despite her satisfaction with the care she received, Roslyn found herself in a state of sadness with a diminished sense of independence. Towards the end of her stay at the nursing home, she was also treated for depression. She wanted to live in her own home again where she could be free to come and go and make choices for herself.
Roslyn’s family wanted nothing more than to see her happy and to bring out the vibrant woman Roslyn had been. They began discussing Roslyn’s discharge with the facility social worker and were introduced to the Money Follows the Person program. She qualified for the acquired brain injury waiver, which provides multiple services including respite care, hours for a personal care assistant and even monetary compensation for Roslyn’s daughter who would be living with and caring for her mother every day.
Fortunately for Roslyn, her brother Kevin is a realtor and while these services were being arranged, he was able to find her a beautiful apartment. With the help of a care manager and transition coordinator from Money Follows the Person, the transition into her new apartment produced an immediate change in Roslyn’s attitude and personality. She has found a new sense of independence and motivation that have improved her overall happiness ten-fold, even allowing her to stop taking the anti-depressants that she was prescribed at the nursing home.
She can now do the things she really enjoys, such as shopping for herself, adding personal touches to her apartment, going for walks, and hanging out at the park. Most recently, the program provided an iPad that allows Roslyn to play games and do exercises that help strengthen her brain.
She is able to visit specialty doctors for things that could not be addressed before. As a result, her overall health and well-being have also improved. Most importantly to Roslyn, she is also now surrounded and cared for by her family and has the option to visit those who live in surrounding areas. Kevin summed up his sister’s success with the program stating, “This program has provided a significant quality of life change that is night and day.”
Read the CT Money Follows the Person Quarterly Report, 2018, Q2
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