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Everyone deserves to live comfortably at home, and technology can help you do just that. There are many devices out there that can help older adults and people living with disabilities carry out daily tasks and maintain their independence at home. Here are some products that can help improve the way you perform your daily routines:

Stove monitoring
Stove monitors can help provide safer cooking experiences for individuals at home. These systems use motion sensors to alert you or your care team when the stove has been left on and unattended for a period of time (usually about five minutes, but this can be changed depending on your lifestyle). Stove monitoring devices are available for electric and gas stoves, and some can even be controlled remotely so that users can turn the stove off from wherever they are! 

Smart screens
Smart display devices, or smart screens, are useful because they are like a one-stop shop for all of your digital needs. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection to have video or voice calls with family, friends, doctors, emergency services, and more. These devices also have voice control features, so individuals can make calls, check the news or the weather, listen to music, and even play games by just using voice commands. If you would like to use this device but are not familiar with the technology, it may be best to have a friend, family member, or member of your care staff set the system up for you first.

Pill dispenser
For individuals who take several medications daily, an electronic pill dispenser can be very helpful. This device will release your prescribed amount of pills and then lock itself so that you don’t have to worry about taking the wrong dosage. Pill dispensers also remind users when it is time to take their medication and refill their prescription. These reminders or alerts can be recognized by alarms and flashing lights from the device, which is great for people with hearing disabilities. Users who are not familiar with technology can have a friend, family member, or caregiver help set up this device.

Remote monitoring systems
Remote monitoring systems offer peace of mind to older adults, people with disabilities, and their loved ones. These systems have video cameras that can allow friends, family members, or care staff to check in on the individual and monitor them in case of any problems. If there is an emergency, an alert will be sent to the person’s care team so they can send help as soon as possible. It may be helpful to create a list of family members or friends who can provide backup monitoring support in case your regular caregiver is not available. Remote monitoring systems also allow real-time communication between users and the person monitoring them.

For more information on assistive technology that can help maintain your independence and how to include those devices in your care plan, visit MyPlaceCT’s Assistive Technology page.

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