2-1-1, supported by United Way, will assess your needs and provide referrals to the resources in your community. Get in touch with a specialist by dialing 2-1-1 or by using the Live Chat button. If you live outside of Connecticut dial 1-888-599-5046. Multilingual assistance and TDD access is also available
2-1-1 Connecticut
Local Options
In almost every town there is a social services office and/or a senior center. And if you’re not sure who to call, start with the town hall staff who can help determine the best local resource(s) for you to contact.
Community Choices
Community Choices, Connecticut’s Aging and Disability Resource Center, can also help refer you to the information about Services & Supports you seek. They often provide benefits screening, options counseling, and information on care transitions. Community Choices represents a partnership between Connecticut’s Area Agencies on Aging, Independent Living Centers and Connecticut Community Care. Visit the Community Choices website or Call them at 1-800-994-9422.
Emergency Help
Dial 9-1-1 for 24/7 help in case of a life-threatening emergency.