Understanding asset eligibility - Medicaid HUSKY C

In Connecticut, Medicaid is known as HUSKY Health. Each HUSKY Health coverage group follows state and federal guidelines to determine financial eligibility based on income and assets. This is referred to as the asset and income limit. While all HUSKY Coverage groups have income limits, HUSKY C (coverage for people who are aged, blind, or disabled) has an asset limit. Part of the financial eligibility requirements for HUSKY C is that your countable assets cannot be more than the HUSKY C asset limit.

If you plan on applying for Medicaid to help with your long-term services and supports and other health care needs, or planning for the future, this tool will help you understand your own assets and the asset limit for HUSKY C Medicaid so you can plan accordingly.

Use this tool for your own purposes. It will help you determine your asset limit and generally how much, if any, you have in excess assets, so that you can plan accordingly. After you’ve used this tool, see the Expense Tracking Tool.

* Indicates a required field.

If you receive care in home:
Total Assets: $
Your Asset Limit: $
Excess Assets: $
If you receive care in a nursing home:
Total Assets: $
Your Asset Limit: $
Excess Assets: $

If you continue living in your home, your home is not counted as an asset.

If you have accrued debt (mortgage, medical bills, credit card bills, etc.) you may choose to use your funds to pay off your debt. This may lower your total assets after the debt is paid off.