The Department of Motor Vehicles issues temporary and permanent parking permits to individuals who have a qualifying disability. These permits, which are for the exclusive use of the person with a disability, give that individual permission to park in spaces reserved for people with disabilities. These spots are usually closest to the accessible entrance and may provide extra space for vans with lifts. The person with the disability can be the driver or a passenger.
If the disability is permanent, the DMV will issue a permit that expires on the same day as the driver’s license or non-driving photo ID card. If the disability is temporary the permit is for six months.
Permits are obtained by completing a “Special Permit Application and Impairment Certificate” (DMV Form B-225) with Section B of the form signed by a licensed physician, registered physician’s assistant, Advanced Practice Nurse (APRN), or in the case of blindness, a licensed optometrist, ophthalmologist or a member of the CT Board of Education and Services for the Blind.
Learn more: Visit the Department of Motor Vehicles website.